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42 Pearls of precious wisdom, gifts from the Holy Omega, ancient wisdom from the 42 pearlescent wisdom temples of ancient Egypt, each card is a sacred gift of wisdom to be reclaimed, each card is activation into the mysteries of the Goddess of 10,000 names, beautiful simple truths honouring the 42 spiritual laws of MAAT, Holy Sophia the Divine Feminine Principal of the God Head.

The Wisdom Pearls of Sophia is my new deck, to accompany a book and workshop called the The Wisdom Pearls of Sophia, it is a spiritual teaching from the Holy O, The Holy Omega, The Supreme Goddess of 10.000 names, She who is within us all, The Divine Feminine Christ, The Divine Feminine principle of the God Head. It is the ancient wisdom from the 42 pearl temples of Egypt and the divine laws and decrees of MAAT. I believe as we walk the path of ascension back to our first estate and our Creator, we must learn and embody these simple but essential spiritual laws, for these universal laws have been handed to us since antiquity for our good. Each card has a simple truth, a pearl of wisdom from Holy Sophia, a precious gift to be witness, felt, understood, valued and embraced. Within each card is a pearlescent wisdom code and sacred feminine activation. The deck is to be used as daily devotional guidance, a reclaiming of the lost wisdom of your soul, each card will guide you to a simple put power truth that is to be integrated into your devotional practices. As the card brings fort a message, this is then to be taken into a sacred time of prayer and mediation, during this time you are invited to allow Holy Sophia to bring you the wisdom pearl which is to be placed within the centre of your sacred heart. Once it has been planted, watered and nourished it shall grow and bring fort much fruit.

Power in Numbers




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